Nach der Uni ist vor der Karriere - Ihr Einstieg bei Sanofi
Ihre Prüfungen haben Sie absolviert, die Abschlussarbeit abgegeben und Ihr Abschlusszeugnis in der Tasche? Dann warten bei Sanofi neue Herausforderungen und hervorragende Perspektiven auf Sie!
Wir bieten talentierten Hochschulabsolvent*innen verschiedene Einstiegsmöglichkeiten in ein spannendes, forschungs- und entwicklungsgetriebenes Karriereumfeld. Ganz gleich, ob Sie sich für ein Trainee-Programm oder für den Direkteinstieg entscheiden – wir stellen Ihre persönliche Entwicklung in den Mittelpunkt und unterstützen Sie dabei, Ihre Talente zu entfalten. Dabei profitieren Sie von Anfang an von attraktiven Vergütungssystemen und Zusatzleistungen sowie von Gesundheitsleistungen und einem breiten Angebot zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf.
Was bedeutet Arbeiten bei Sanofi
Arbeiten bei Sanofi bedeutet nicht nur, zum Erfolg eines weltweit führenden Gesundheitsunternehmens beizutragen, sondern auch, einen Beitrag für die Lebensqualität und Gesundheit der Menschen zu leisten. Diese Leidenschaft verbindet unsere Beschäftigten in ihrer Arbeit.
Als internationaler Konzern mit einer französischen Zentrale und teilweise deutschen Wurzeln hat Sanofi Toptalenten sehr viel zu bieten. Das ist nicht nur auf mögliche Karrierewege beschränkt. Hinzu kommen eine leistungsorientierte Bezahlung, die Möglichkeit, sich innerhalb internationaler Netzwerke fachlich und menschlich weiterzuentwickeln sowie eine einzigartige, moderne Unternehmenskultur.
Um weiterhin so erfolgreich zu bleiben, wie wir jetzt sind, brauchen wir Mitarbeiter*Innen, die sich mit Mut und Flexibilität den täglichen Herausforderungen stellen und Sanofi voran bringen!
Business administration Business law Business, international Economic science Economics pedagogy Industrial engineering Labour law Law Law, international Management Quality control Social sciences
Materials technology/Materials science Mechanical engineering, general Medical Engineering Process engineering/Chemical engineering Technology, general
Biotechnology Chemical engineering Materials science Mechanical engineering Mechanics Plant construction and engineering Plastics engineering Precision engineering Process engineering Production engineering Technical design engineering Technology Technology Technology transfer
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Biology, general Chemistry, general Mathematics Pharmacy, general
We are a science-led global healthcare company. We research and develop a broad range of innovative products in three primary areas of Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare.
Graduates can join us in a variety of exciting roles across several business functions. If you’re enthusiastic, committed to making a difference and have a strong interest in healthcare, then we’d love to hear from you.
At Novo Nordisk, we are driving change to defeat diabetes and other serious chronic conditions.
Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. This heritage has given us experience and capabilities that also enable us to help people defeat other serious chronic conditions: haemophilia, growth disorders and obesity.
Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 42,000 people in 77 countries and markets its products in more than 165 countries.
Novo Nordisk is a global company offering worldwide opportunities to employees. From research and development, through to manufacturing, marketing and sales, the skills and backgrounds that our employees bring to work are diverse.
Our comprehensive value chain offers the potential for you to experience areas of the business outside your initial skill set, so developing your career through in-house as well as external training.
Sandoz stands for tradition and Innovation, strong regional ties and a worldwide presence, established generics and pioneering biopharmaceuticals. We have been achieving significant developments through innovation for almost 70 years. As a pharmaceutical manufacturer, we are responsible for the most important thing in life – good health.
Working at Sandoz
Our patients are the reason for everything we do – and our employees form the basis for this. As well as professional qualifications, each person also brings with them individual characteristics and personal interests. We seek to ensure that you have the opportunity to develop your strengths as an employee and support you in playing a full and active part in our shared success.
Sandoz – committed to people
Sandoz stands for tradition and Innovation, strong regional ties and a worldwide presence, established generics and pioneering biopharmaceuticals. We have been achieving significant developments through innovation for almost 70 years. As a pharmaceutical manufacturer, we are responsible for the most important thing in life – good health.
Working at Sandoz
Our patients are the reason for everything we do – and our employees form the basis for this. As well as professional qualifications, each person also brings with them individual characteristics and personal interests. We seek to ensure that you have the opportunity to develop your strengths as an employee and support you in playing a full and active part in our shared success.
Take part in our shared success
We are looking for people who are literally co-workers – team players with innovative ideas and the courage to tread new paths. At Sandoz you will find colleagues who carry out their particular duties with responsibility and integrity but also act together for a common goal.
At Pfizer, we seek to make the world a healthier place. Pfizer welcomes colleagues from every corner of the world – be it the suburbs of the smallest town in America, a village in Germany, or the most sophisticated city in China. We believe every individual’s unique life experience creates the mosaic of Pfizer and helps us make a more positive impact on the world’s health every day. Each position at Pfizer touches and contributes to the success of our business and our world. That’s why, as one of the global leaders in the biopharmaceutical industry, Pfizer is committed to recruiting highly qualified candidates for all areas of our business and providing those individuals with access to unparalleled resources and world-class facilities as well as the opportunity to work on groundbreaking research. Pfizer is dedicated to recruiting, retaining and inspiring our colleagues by offering some of the best growth opportunities available in the industry.