DHL Consulting is a trusted advisor for every business function and division within Deutsche Post DHL Group. We offer a broad range of management consulting and business transformation services delivering on our promise to create customer value with insight, objectivity, collaboration and drive.
International management consulting attracts the best and the brightest, and DHL Consulting is always on the lookout for new top talents to join our team of consultants. We offer exciting careers in in-house and supply chain consulting that combine a steep learning curve, local assignments with global scope, international projects with major industry players, and a close-knit group of dedicated colleagues from all around the world.
Business administration Business law Business, international Demographics Economic science Economics pedagogy Ergonomics Financial studies Industrial engineering Labour law Logistics Management National/political economics Real Estate Management Social sciences Sociology
Automotive and transport engineering Civil engineering, general Mechanical engineering, general
Building and construction studies Mechanics Navigation Production engineering Technology Transport studies
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Computer science Mathematics
Business computer science Business/Industrial mathematics Computer Science for Materials Engineering Data structures Information processing Mathematics, applied Operating systems Programming Software Statistics
Welcome to Brenntag – nice to meet you! We may not know you yet, but we understand that your wishes and demands on your employer and your job are as individual as you are. We would therefore like to invite you to get to know Brenntag and see how your individuality matches our variety.
Brenntag is the global market leader in chemicals and ingredients distribution. We hold a central role in connecting customers and suppliers of the chemical industry.
Our two global divisions, Brenntag Essentials and Brenntag Specialties, provide a full-line portfolio of industrial and specialty chemicals and ingredients as well as tailor-made application, marketing and supply chain solutions, technical and formulation support, comprehensive regulatory know-how, and digital solutions for a wide range of industries.
We have more than 17,000 employees worldwide and operate a network of more than 700 sites in 78 countries.
In the field of sustainability, Brenntag pursues specific goals and is committed to sustainable solutions in its own sector and the industries served.
DEG: More than finance
We offer financing, advice and support to private sector enterprises operating in developing and emerging-market countries. Our customers can rely on our expertise: They can benefit from our market knowledge, our 21 locations worldwide and our international network. For entrepreneurial success and development.
DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
We are looking for
Courses of studies
Law, economics and social sciences
Architecture, general Civil engineering, general Mechanical engineering, general Process engineering/Chemical engineering Regional (development) planning Technology, general
Architecture Building and construction studies Civil engineering Management, technical Mechanical engineering Process engineering Regional (development) planning Sciences/Engineering, technical Technology
Language, media and cultural studies
Archives/library/documentation Cultural studies Media studies
Communication studies Developing countries Documentation Information Journalism Journalism, publishing and media studies Media Multimedia
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences
Wir sind der Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen e.V. (VDV) und vertreten die Interessen von über 640 Mitgliedsunternehmen als Branchenverband für den öffentlichen Personenverkehr (ÖPV) und den Schienengüterverkehr (SGV) in Deutschland.
Als moderner Verband verstehen wir uns als Dienstleister und Berater eines der wichtigsten Zukunftsfelder für den Standort Deutschland und sind kompetenter, flexibler und vertrauenswürdiger Ansprechpartner für Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Forschung und Bildung.
Werden Sie Teil unseres engagierten Teams und gestalten Sie mit Ihren Ideen und Ihrem Know-how die Gegenwart und die Zukunft der Mobilität mit.
We consistently supply people, companies and municipalities with electricity, gas, heating, water, fast internet, energy-related services and modern infrastructure.
Approximately 4.000 employees ensure every day that, for the people in our home country, the lights come on, cold feet are warmed, fresh drinking water flows and internet connections in home offices remain stable. As part of the SachsenEnergie Group, they take responsibility for secure, future-proof, sustainable, high-quality public services.
Together with our subsidiaries we see ourselves as architects of an intelligent energy transformation, continuously driving the growth of renewable energy.
Architecture, general Civil engineering, general Electrical engineering, general Mechanical engineering, general
Architecture Building and construction studies Civil engineering Civil engineering Communications engineering Computer science, technical Control and automatic control engineering Electrical engineering Electronics Energy engineering High-Rise Construction Hydrology Information technology Measurement engineering Mechanical engineering Mechanics Photo engineering Structural engineering Technology Utility engineering
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Computer science
Business computer science Computer architecture Computer science, practical Computer science, theoretical Data structures Engineering computing Hardware Information processing Internet Media Informatics Operating systems Programming Software
Curacon ist eine bundesweit tätige Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft mit Spezialisierung auf die Prüfung und Beratung von Einrichtungen und Unternehmen aus der Gesundheits- und Sozialwirtschaft und dem öffentlichen Sektor. Das Netzwerk der Curacon Unternehmensgruppe ist interdisziplinär. Im Verbund mit der Curacon Weidlich Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, der Krankenhausberatung Jüngerkes & Schlüter GmbH und der Sanovis GmbH arbeiten mehr als 500 qualifizierte Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter an 14 Standorten.
Wir bieten unseren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern krisensichere Arbeitsplätze, ein attraktives Weiterbildungsprogramm und eine Arbeitsatmosphäre, die Spaß macht. Flache Hierarchien, kurze Wege und ein wertschätzender Umgang miteinander bestimmen unsere tägliche Arbeit.
Treffe die richtige Entscheidung - komm zu einem der besten Arbeitgeber der Branche. Bei dem Unternehmenswettbewerb Deutschlands beste Arbeitgeber 2017 des Great Place to Work Instituts belegt Curacon den 37. Platz unter mehreren hundert Arbeitgebern. Im Sonderwettbewerb beste Arbeitgeber im Consulting liegen wir sogar auf dem zweiten Platz in der Größenkategorie ab 250 Mitarbeiter.