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Head office | Berlin |
Industry | IT & Internet |
Locations in | Berlin |
Preferred Grades | Bachelor, Diploma, Doctorate, Master |
Type of contract | Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Entry level employment, Full time employment, Project work |
About us
Wir, die EBP Deutschland GmbH als Teil der EBP Global AG (Zürich), engagieren uns seit mehr als 25 Jahren national und international erfolgreich in der Beratung, Planung und Konzeption sowie Implementation und Betrieb komplexer IT-Systeme. Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden, überwiegend aus den Bereichen Verkehr, Wetter und Wasserbau, entwickeln wir moderne Software- und Hardwaresysteme nach ihren Vorstellungen und Anforderungen. Dabei beraten wir sie, skizzieren und testen Lösungen, probieren neue Wege und Technologien, diskutieren Alternativen und finden gemeinsam zu einem neu entwickelten, individuellen und einzigartigen Produkt. Jedes neue Projekt ist eine neue und interessante Herausforderung, die wir mit Leidenschaft und Motivation angehen.
Die EBP Deutschland GmbH hat im Dezember 2016 den Standort von Potsdam nach Berlin verlegt. Das entstandene neue Bürogebäude mit hoher Bauqualität befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Berliner Hauptbahnhof und liegt mitten im Entwicklungsgebiet „Europacity“ nördlich des Berliner Hauptbahnhofs und gegenüber vom Wirtschaftsministerium. Hier arbeiten hochqualifizierte und spezialisierte Informatiker und Softwareentwickler in interdisziplinären Teams mit Mathematikern, Physikern und Geowissenschaftlern zusammen. Zu unseren Kunden haben wir über die Jahre eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit aufgebaut, auf die wir sehr stolz sind. Wir pflegen flache Hierarchien. Gegenseitige Wertschätzung ist für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit.
EBP Deutschland GmbH
Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

We are looking for | Courses of studies | Subjects |
Engineering | Electrical engineering, general Medical Engineering | Computer science, technical Control and automatic control engineering Electrical engineering Measurement engineering |
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Computer science Geosciences/Earth sciences, general Mathematics Physics | Computer architecture Computer science, practical Computer science, theoretical Data structures Engineering computing Fluid dynamics Geography Geomatics Geophysics Geosciences/Earth sciences Information processing Languages, formal Mathematics, applied Media Informatics Meteorology Operating systems Programming Software Technological mathematics Technology, physical |
We are looking for | Engineering | Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Courses of studies | Computer science | Electrical engineering, general | Geosciences/Earth sciences, general | Mathematics | Medical Engineering | Physics | ||||||||||||||||||
Subjects | Computer architecture | Computer science, practical | Computer science, technical | Computer science, theoretical | Control and automatic control engineering | Data structures | Electrical engineering | Engineering computing | Fluid dynamics | Geography | Geomatics | Geophysics | Geosciences/Earth sciences | Information processing | Languages, formal | Mathematics, applied | Measurement engineering | Media Informatics | Meteorology | Operating systems | Programming | Software | Technological mathematics | Technology, physical |
Head office | Frankfurt am Main |
Industry | Pharmaceutical Sector |
Locations in | Berlin, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Preferred Grades | Diploma, Doctorate, MBA, Master |
Type of contract | Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Dual course of study, Entry level employment, Full time employment |
About us
Nach der Uni ist vor der Karriere - Ihr Einstieg bei Sanofi
Ihre Prüfungen haben Sie absolviert, die Abschlussarbeit abgegeben und Ihr Abschlusszeugnis in der Tasche? Dann warten bei Sanofi neue Herausforderungen und hervorragende Perspektiven auf Sie!
Wir bieten talentierten Hochschulabsolvent*innen verschiedene Einstiegsmöglichkeiten in ein spannendes, forschungs- und entwicklungsgetriebenes Karriereumfeld. Ganz gleich, ob Sie sich für ein Trainee-Programm oder für den Direkteinstieg entscheiden – wir stellen Ihre persönliche Entwicklung in den Mittelpunkt und unterstützen Sie dabei, Ihre Talente zu entfalten. Dabei profitieren Sie von Anfang an von attraktiven Vergütungssystemen und Zusatzleistungen sowie von Gesundheitsleistungen und einem breiten Angebot zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf.
Was bedeutet Arbeiten bei Sanofi
Arbeiten bei Sanofi bedeutet nicht nur, zum Erfolg eines weltweit führenden Gesundheitsunternehmens beizutragen, sondern auch, einen Beitrag für die Lebensqualität und Gesundheit der Menschen zu leisten. Diese Leidenschaft verbindet unsere Beschäftigten in ihrer Arbeit.
Als internationaler Konzern mit einer französischen Zentrale und teilweise deutschen Wurzeln hat Sanofi Toptalenten sehr viel zu bieten. Das ist nicht nur auf mögliche Karrierewege beschränkt. Hinzu kommen eine leistungsorientierte Bezahlung, die Möglichkeit, sich innerhalb internationaler Netzwerke fachlich und menschlich weiterzuentwickeln sowie eine einzigartige, moderne Unternehmenskultur.
Um weiterhin so erfolgreich zu bleiben, wie wir jetzt sind, brauchen wir Mitarbeiter*Innen, die sich mit Mut und Flexibilität den täglichen Herausforderungen stellen und Sanofi voran bringen!
We are looking for | Courses of studies | Subjects |
Law, economics and social sciences | Economics Law Social sciences, general | Business administration Business law Business, international Economic science Economics pedagogy Industrial engineering Labour law Law Law, international Management Quality control Social sciences |
Engineering | Materials technology/Materials science Mechanical engineering, general Medical Engineering Process engineering/Chemical engineering Technology, general | Biotechnology Chemical engineering Materials science Mechanical engineering Mechanics Plant construction and engineering Plastics engineering Precision engineering Process engineering Production engineering Technical design engineering Technology Technology Technology transfer |
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Biology, general Chemistry, general Mathematics Pharmacy, general | Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Genetics Microbiology Pharmacy |
Health sciences, medicine | Health sciences Medicine Psychology, general | Biomedicine Dentistry Economic psychology Health Human medicine Psychology Social psychology |
We are looking for | Law, economics and social sciences | Engineering | Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Health sciences, medicine | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Courses of studies | Biology, general | Chemistry, general | Economics | Health sciences | Law | Materials technology/Materials science | Mathematics | Mechanical engineering, general | Medical Engineering | Medicine | Pharmacy, general | Process engineering/Chemical engineering | Psychology, general | Social sciences, general | Technology, general | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subjects | Biochemistry | Biology | Biomedicine | Biotechnology | Business administration | Business law | Business, international | Chemical engineering | Chemistry | Dentistry | Economic psychology | Economic science | Economics pedagogy | Genetics | Health | Human medicine | Industrial engineering | Labour law | Law | Law, international | Management | Materials science | Mechanical engineering | Mechanics | Microbiology | Pharmacy | Plant construction and engineering | Plastics engineering | Precision engineering | Process engineering | Production engineering | Psychology | Quality control | Social psychology | Social sciences | Technical design engineering | Technology | Technology | Technology transfer |
Head office | Wiesbaden |
Industry | Other Business Activities & Services |
Locations in | Hessen |
Preferred Grades | Diploma, Doctorate, Master |
Type of contract | Dual course of study, Entry level employment, Full time employment, Occupational studies |
About us
Unsere moderne Patentanwaltskanzlei im Herzen des Rhein-Main-Gebiets ist bekannt für ihre innovative Arbeitsweise und ihre Leidenschaft für geistiges Eigentum.
Wir bedienen uns kreativer Ansätze und modernster Technologien, um unsere Mandanten bei der Sicherung ihrer innovativen Ideen zu unterstützen - vom Start-up über den Mittelständler bis hin zu weltweit agierenden Großkonzernen.
Was wir suchen:
Zur Bereicherung unseres Teams suchen wir Spezialisten aus den Bereichen Physik, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik oder Informatik, die Spaß daran haben, sich weiterzuentwickeln.
Wenn du ein begeisterungsfähiger, kreativer und aufgeschlossener Mensch bist und in einem inspirierenden und kollegialen Arbeitsumfeld arbeiten möchtest, dann bist du genau richtig bei uns.
Was dich erwartet:
In unserem Team lernst du praxisnah, wie technische Erfindungen und andere kreative Leistungen geschützt werden können. Hierbei setzt du dich tagtäglich mit den neuesten technischen Entwicklungen vieler verschiedener Bereiche auseinander.
Dieser Abwechslungsreichtum ist einer der Aspekte, die den Beruf des Patentanwalts bzw. der Patentanwältin so attraktiv machen.
Möchtest du am liebsten sofort loslegen? Dann werde Teil unseres Teams!
Was du mitbringst:
- Studium in Physik, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik oder Informatik
- Hochschulabschluss (Universität)
- Spaß am Gedankenaustausch mit Erfindern
- Freude am Formulieren und Argumentieren
WSL Patentanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Frau Gesa Buschmann

- 0611 99174-0
Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 98, 65185 Wiesbaden
We are looking for | Courses of studies | Subjects |
Engineering | Automotive and transport engineering Civil engineering, general Electrical engineering, general Environmental engineering Marine engineering Materials technology/Materials science Mechanical engineering, general Medical Engineering Metallurgy Mining, general Printing technology Process engineering/Chemical engineering Regional (development) planning Surveying, general Technology, general | Aeronautical engineering Aeropace engineering Apparatus engineering Automotive manufacturing Aviation and aeronautics Binder chemistry Building and construction studies Ceramics Chemical engineering Civil engineering Civil engineering Clothing engineering Coal technology Communication engineering Communications engineering Computer science, technical Control and automatic control engineering Deposit sites Electrical engineering Electronics Energy engineering Extraction, processing and production of building materials Extraction, processing and production of materials/Materials engineering Foundry engineering Fuel technology Glasses High-Rise Construction History of technology Hydrology Image processing engineer Information technology Internal combustion engines Literature, technical Machine elements/systems Machine tools Management, technical Marine engineering Marine/Ship engineering Materials Materials science Materials testing Measurement engineering Mechanical engineering Mechanics Metal sciences Microelectronics Mine surveying Mining Nautical science Navigation Nuclear engineering Oil production Open pit mining Optical science Paper science and engineering Philosophy of Technology Photo engineering Plant construction and engineering Plastics engineering Precision engineering Printing Process engineering Production engineering Pumps, compressors, ventilators Railway studies Raw material/Natural resource extraction Reactor engineering Road construction Safety engineering Sciences/Engineering, technical Ship operations Sound engineer Steam power plants Structural engineering Structural steel engineering Structural wood engineering Technical design engineering Technologies, adapted Technology Technology Technology transfer Textile engineering Thermal engineering Transport studies Transport studies Turbines/Turbo-engines Utility engineering Water turbines |
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Computer science Physics | Astronomy Astrophysics Business computer science Computer Science for Materials Engineering Computer architecture Computer science, practical Computer science, medical Computer science, theoretical Data structures Engineering computing Experimental physics Fluid dynamics Hardware Information processing Internet Languages, formal Media Informatics Nuclear physics Nuclear physics Operating systems Physics, applied Physics, theoretical Plasma physics Programming Semiconductor physics Software Solid-state physics Technology, physical Thermodynamics |
We are looking for | Engineering | Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Courses of studies | Automotive and transport engineering | Civil engineering, general | Computer science | Electrical engineering, general | Environmental engineering | Marine engineering | Materials technology/Materials science | Mechanical engineering, general | Medical Engineering | Metallurgy | Mining, general | Physics | Printing technology | Process engineering/Chemical engineering | Regional (development) planning | Surveying, general | Technology, general | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subjects | Aeronautical engineering | Aeropace engineering | Apparatus engineering | Astronomy | Astrophysics | Automotive manufacturing | Aviation and aeronautics | Binder chemistry | Building and construction studies | Business computer science | Ceramics | Chemical engineering | Civil engineering | Civil engineering | Clothing engineering | Coal technology | Communication engineering | Communications engineering | Computer Science for Materials Engineering | Computer architecture | Computer science, practical | Computer science, medical | Computer science, technical | Computer science, theoretical | Control and automatic control engineering | Data structures | Deposit sites | Electrical engineering | Electronics | Energy engineering | Engineering computing | Experimental physics | Extraction, processing and production of building materials | Extraction, processing and production of materials/Materials engineering | Fluid dynamics | Foundry engineering | Fuel technology | Glasses | Hardware | High-Rise Construction | History of technology | Hydrology | Image processing engineer | Information processing | Information technology | Internal combustion engines | Internet | Languages, formal | Literature, technical | Machine elements/systems | Machine tools | Management, technical | Marine engineering | Marine/Ship engineering | Materials | Materials science | Materials testing | Measurement engineering | Mechanical engineering | Mechanics | Media Informatics | Metal sciences | Microelectronics | Mine surveying | Mining | Nautical science | Navigation | Nuclear engineering | Nuclear physics | Nuclear physics | Oil production | Open pit mining | Operating systems | Optical science | Paper science and engineering | Philosophy of Technology | Photo engineering | Physics, applied | Physics, theoretical | Plant construction and engineering | Plasma physics | Plastics engineering | Precision engineering | Printing | Process engineering | Production engineering | Programming | Pumps, compressors, ventilators | Railway studies | Raw material/Natural resource extraction | Reactor engineering | Road construction | Safety engineering | Sciences/Engineering, technical | Semiconductor physics | Ship operations | Software | Solid-state physics | Sound engineer | Steam power plants | Structural engineering | Structural steel engineering | Structural wood engineering | Technical design engineering | Technologies, adapted | Technology | Technology | Technology transfer | Technology, physical | Textile engineering | Thermal engineering | Thermodynamics | Transport studies | Transport studies | Turbines/Turbo-engines | Utility engineering | Water turbines |
Head office | Berlin |
Industry | Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment |
Locations in | Berlin |
Preferred Grades | Bachelor, Diploma, Doctorate, MBA, Master |
Type of contract | Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Entry level employment, Full time employment, Industrial Placement (Internship) |
About us
FLEXIM is an innovative developer and manufacturer of non-intrusive ultrasonic flow meters and process analytical systems. As a technology leader we have established an outstanding reputation and position in the industry. We are a fast growing, medium-sized business with a worldwide workforce of about 400 in 12 international locations, alongside a global distributor and representative network.
Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.
We are looking for | Courses of studies | Subjects |
Law, economics and social sciences | Economics | Business administration Business, international Economic science Financial studies Industrial engineering Logistics Management Quality control Supply chain management |
Engineering | Electrical engineering, general Materials technology/Materials science Mechanical engineering, general Medical Engineering Process engineering/Chemical engineering Technology, general | Apparatus engineering Audiology Communication engineering Communications engineering Computer science, technical Control and automatic control engineering Electrical engineering Electronics Information technology Management, technical Materials Materials science Materials testing Measurement engineering Mechanical engineering Mechanics Metal sciences Microelectronics Optical science Plant construction and engineering Plastics engineering Precision engineering Process engineering Production engineering Pumps, compressors, ventilators Radiology Reactor engineering Sciences/Engineering, technical Sound engineer Technical design engineering Technology Technology Thermal engineering Turbines/Turbo-engines Utility engineering Water turbines |
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Chemistry, general Computer science Physics | Business computer science Chemistry Chemistry, inorganic Chemistry, organic Chemistry, physical Computer architecture Computer science, practical Data structures Engineering computing Experimental physics Fluid dynamics Hardware Information processing Media Informatics Operating systems Physics, applied Programming Software Solid-state physics Technology, physical Thermodynamics |
We are looking for | Law, economics and social sciences | Engineering | Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Courses of studies | Chemistry, general | Computer science | Economics | Electrical engineering, general | Materials technology/Materials science | Mechanical engineering, general | Medical Engineering | Physics | Process engineering/Chemical engineering | Technology, general | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subjects | Apparatus engineering | Audiology | Business administration | Business computer science | Business, international | Chemistry | Chemistry, inorganic | Chemistry, organic | Chemistry, physical | Communication engineering | Communications engineering | Computer architecture | Computer science, practical | Computer science, technical | Control and automatic control engineering | Data structures | Economic science | Electrical engineering | Electronics | Engineering computing | Experimental physics | Financial studies | Fluid dynamics | Hardware | Industrial engineering | Information processing | Information technology | Logistics | Management | Management, technical | Materials | Materials science | Materials testing | Measurement engineering | Mechanical engineering | Mechanics | Media Informatics | Metal sciences | Microelectronics | Operating systems | Optical science | Physics, applied | Plant construction and engineering | Plastics engineering | Precision engineering | Process engineering | Production engineering | Programming | Pumps, compressors, ventilators | Quality control | Radiology | Reactor engineering | Sciences/Engineering, technical | Software | Solid-state physics | Sound engineer | Supply chain management | Technical design engineering | Technology | Technology | Technology, physical | Thermal engineering | Thermodynamics | Turbines/Turbo-engines | Utility engineering | Water turbines |
Head office | Wien |
Industry | Medical Technology |
Locations in | Burgenland, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark |
Preferred Grades | Bachelor, Diploma, Master |
Type of contract | Entry level employment, Full time employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Trainee |
About us
The people of VAMED are the secret of the success to our enterprise. Growth and success mean that there will be a continuous expansion of our most valued resource, human capital. Our employees invest all of their competence, know-how, qualified commitment as well as their time in our company and thus have an international corporation into a highly successful group of companies. We invite you to become part of the VAMED group!
Vamed AG
Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.
We are looking for | Courses of studies | Subjects |
Law, economics and social sciences | Economics Law | Economic science Forensics/Forensic medicine Law Management Quality control |
Engineering | Architecture, general Medical Engineering Technology, general | Architecture |
Language, media and cultural studies | German studies Language and literary studies Media studies | Communication studies Journalism Media |
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Computer science | Computer science, practical Computer science, medical Computer science, theoretical |
Health sciences, medicine | Health sciences Medicine Psychology, general | Geriatric nursing Health Health engineering Health, public Human medicine Nursing Psychology Rehabilitation Social psychology |
We are looking for | Law, economics and social sciences | Engineering | Language, media and cultural studies | Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Health sciences, medicine | ||||||||||||||||
Courses of studies | Architecture, general | Computer science | Economics | German studies | Health sciences | Language and literary studies | Law | Media studies | Medical Engineering | Medicine | Psychology, general | Technology, general | |||||||||
Subjects | Architecture | Communication studies | Computer science, practical | Computer science, medical | Computer science, theoretical | Economic science | Forensics/Forensic medicine | Geriatric nursing | Health | Health engineering | Health, public | Human medicine | Journalism | Law | Management | Media | Nursing | Psychology | Quality control | Rehabilitation | Social psychology |
Head office | Bagsvaerd |
Industry | Pharmaceutical Sector |
Preferred Grades | Doctorate, MBA, Master |
Type of contract | Entry level employment, Full time employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Trainee |
About us
At Novo Nordisk, we are driving change to defeat diabetes and other serious chronic conditions.
Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care. This heritage has given us experience and capabilities that also enable us to help people defeat other serious chronic conditions: haemophilia, growth disorders and obesity.
Headquartered in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 42,000 people in 77 countries and markets its products in more than 165 countries.
Novo Nordisk is a global company offering worldwide opportunities to employees. From research and development, through to manufacturing, marketing and sales, the skills and backgrounds that our employees bring to work are diverse.
Our comprehensive value chain offers the potential for you to experience areas of the business outside your initial skill set, so developing your career through in-house as well as external training.
We are looking for | Courses of studies | Subjects |
Law, economics and social sciences | Economics | Business administration Economic science |
Engineering | Medical Engineering Process engineering/Chemical engineering Technology, general | Biotechnology |
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Pharmacy, general | Pharmacy |
Health sciences, medicine |
We are looking for | Law, economics and social sciences | Engineering | Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Health sciences, medicine | |
Courses of studies | Economics | Medical Engineering | Pharmacy, general | Process engineering/Chemical engineering | Technology, general |
Subjects | Biotechnology | Business administration | Economic science | Pharmacy |