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19 Matches - These companies meet the following criteria:

  • Working student

  • Logistics, Material Management


Fraport AG

Head office



Distribution, Transport & Logistics

Locations in


Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate, State examination

Type of contract

Occupational studies, Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Mandatory legal training, Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Voluntary service, Working student, Full time employment

About us

Wir, die Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, sind Eigentümerin und Betreiberin eines der größten europäischen Verkehrsflughäfen und der größte deutsche Airport-Konzern. Flexibilität, Präsenz und Kundenorientierung im globalen Netzwerk des Luftverkehrs sind unsere Stärken. Unsere Kernkompetenz liegt im integrierten Know-how aus einer Hand.

Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter bestimmen durch ihre Vielfalt, ihr Können und Engagement in hohem Maß unseren Erfolg. Sie sind die zentrale Kraft für die Weiterentwicklung unseres hochwertigen und vielfältigen Dienstleistungsangebotes.

Fraport AG


Fraport AG
Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
60547 Frankfurt


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Möller Medical

Head office



Medical Technology

Locations in


Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Working student, Full time employment

About us

Work at Moeller Medical
Are you interested in a demanding activity at the interface of medical technology and precision engineering? Are you familiar with precision mechanical manufacturing processes of the highest quality and precision? Do you place high demands on the quality of work in development, production or administration? Do you have outstanding technical and communication skills for solving problems and advising demanding customers?

Möller Medical

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Herr Philip Dieckmann

Wasserkuppenstraße 29-31
36043 Fulda

T: 0661 94195-100


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CEWE Stiftung & Co.KGaA

Head office



Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products

Locations in

Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate, State examination

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Working student, Full time employment

About us

We are Europe’s leading photo finishing provider, and we successfully offer commercial online printing services. We focus on innovation and enjoying photography, as well as on trustworthy professionalism across all areas. With our brand-name products, such as the CEWE PHOTOBOOK, wall art, calendars, traditional prints and various photo gifts, we offer a wide range of high-quality photo finishing products. We are represented in the retail industry in a number of countries, offering our customers multi-channel concepts in the form of brick-and-mortar stores and online shops.

CEWE Stiftung & Co.KGaA

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Ivonne Haberer
Mitarbeiterin Recruiting

Meerweg 30-32
26133 Oldenburg


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Head office



Financial Services

Locations in

Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Hamburg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate, State examination

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

The CHG-MERIDIAN Group The CHG-MERIDIAN Group is one of the world’s leading non-captive providers of technology management services to the IT, industrial, and healthcare sectors. With some 1,200 employees, the CHG-MERIDIAN Group offers its customers comprehensive support for their technology infrastructure – from consulting, financial, and operational services to used-equipment remarketing services through its two technology and service centers in Germany and Norway.

The CHG-MERIDIAN Group provides efficient technology management for large and medium-sized companies as well as public-sector clients. It now serves more than 10,000 customers worldwide, managing technology investments worth a total of over €4.75 billion. The online-based TESMA® Technology and Service Management System provides more than 15,000 users with maximum transparency in technology management. The CHG-MERIDIAN Group has offices in 30 countries across the globe. Its headquarters are in Weingarten, Germany.

Efficient Technology Management®

#EfficientTechnologyManagement #LifecycleManagement #TCO #eraSURE #financing #digitalworkplace #payperuse #TESMA #morethanleasing


Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.

Herr Christian Woesch
Education & Study Coordinator / People & Culture Business Partner

Franz-Beer-Straße 111
88250 Weingarten

T: +49 (0)751-503-504


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KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH

Head office



Wholesale, Retail Trade

Locations in

Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Master

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

Once started out with only one small discount shop in Germany in 1994, KiK has now grown to employ 26,000 people in over 4,000 stores throughout Europe.
One of our distinctive competencies deals with the word opportunity: We value character and skills of applicants over a perfect résumé and grades. We know that life sometimes resembles a rocky path. KiK also went through several ups and downs in the past 25 years. We are looking for employees, who are motivated to belong to our KiK team and to support us with their energy and creative ideas.

KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Frau Deike Quabeck

Siemensstraße 21
59199 Bönen

T: +49 2383-95-4551


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Deutsche Post DHL Group

Head office



Distribution, Transport & Logistics

Locations in

Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

DHL Consulting is a trusted advisor for every business function and division within Deutsche Post DHL Group. We offer a broad range of management consulting and business transformation services delivering on our promise to create customer value with insight, objectivity, collaboration and drive.

International management consulting attracts the best and the brightest, and DHL Consulting is always on the lookout for new top talents to join our team of consultants. We offer exciting careers in in-house and supply chain consulting that combine a steep learning curve, local assignments with global scope, international projects with major industry players, and a close-knit group of dedicated colleagues from all around the world.

Deutsche Post DHL Group

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Frau Katrin Tremel


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Fleurop AG

Head office



Other Business Activities & Services

Locations in


Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Full time employment, Trainee, Working student

About us

So kannst du bei uns anfangen:
Du hast dein Studium oder deine Ausbildung erfolgreich abgeschlossen oder schon erste Berufserfahrung und möchtest deine Talente in einem modernen, mittelständischen Unternehmen einbringen? Fleurop bietet dir unterschiedliche Einstiegsmöglichkeiten.
An unserem Standort in Berlin suchen wir engagierte MitarbeiterInnen für Positionen u.a. in den Bereichen Marketing, E-Commerce, Produkt- und Qualitätsmanagement, Controlling, IT sowie Customer Support.

Die aktuellen Stellenanzeigen und Anforderungen findest du auf unserer Karriereseite.

Unsere Unternehmenskultur:
Das erwartet dich bei der Fleurop AG

Arbeitnehmerfreundliche Rahmenbedingungen sind für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit: Bei uns kannst du u.a. mit einer Kernarbeitszeit von 10:00 -14:00 Uhr flexibel und hybrid arbeiten und profitierst von 30 Tagen Urlaub, wobei feste Teamtage unsere familiäre Arbeitsatmosphäre abrunden.

Die Fleurop AG
Seit 1908 wird jeder Strauß von unseren Partner-Floristen fachgerecht von Hand gebunden und persönlich überreicht. Dabei haben wir als Marktführer für Blumengrüße gleichzeitig den Sprung in die Digitalisierung geschafft: Bei uns hast du die Chance, die spannende digitale Transformation eines mittelständischen Traditionsunternehmens aktiv mitzugestalten und mit dem schönen Produkt Blume zu arbeiten.

Neugierig geworden? Dann schaue dir unsere Karriereseite an, wir freuen uns auf dich.

Fleurop AG

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Frau Katrin Sabaa

Lindenstr. 3-4
12207 Berlin

T: 030 71371-188


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cbs Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung

Head office



Legal, Consultancy & Auditing

Locations in

Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Hamburg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

Discover the benefits of joining us.
From student to manager

We give our employees the opportunity to grow through demanding tasks. Together, we work on continually developing their special talents, supported by a unique team spirit among colleagues and project partners. Diversity and solidarity are what make us strong: This is the conviction that has driven our success for 25 years.

cbs Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Frau Daria Bonfitto
Talent Acquisition Specialist

Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 9
69115 Heidelberg

T: +4962213304248


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bofest consult GmbH

Head office



Legal, Consultancy & Auditing

Locations in

Berlin, Nordrhein-Westfalen

Preferred Grades

Diploma, Master, MBA

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

bofest consult ist eine unabhängige, mittelständische Unternehmensberatung. Spezialisiert auf die Energie- und Versorgungswirtschaft.

Mandanten vertrauen bofest consult seit Gründung im Jahr 2001, wenn es darum geht, Geschäftsfelder, Prozesse und Informationstechnik auf die immer neuen Herausforderungen der Branche auszurichten. bofest consult verfügt über ausgezeichnete Referenzen bei einer Vielzahl namhafter Mandanten.

In den ersten Jahren waren dies Unterstützungsleistungen im Zuge des Unbundling. Mit Gründung der Bundesnetzagentur verschärften sich die Anforderungen an Geschäftsprozesse und IT-Systeme und bofest consult wurde bei der Umsetzung der in schneller Abfolge vorgegebenen, regulatorischen Vorgaben eingesetzt. Mit der Energiewende kamen viele Aufgaben rund um die Dezentralisierung der Energieversorgung und den Aufbau von Energiedienstleistungen in den Beratungsfokus. Aufgaben rund um die Dezentralisierung der Energieversorgung und den Aufbau von Energiedienstleistungen in den Beratungsfokus.

Heute im Zuge des Megatrends KI stehen Unternehmen aller Branchen an der Schwelle eines neuen Zeitalters. Die Algorithmen aus Data Science und Künstlicher Intelligenz werden unsere Gesellschaft und unsere Arbeitswelt wie kaum eine Technologie vorher verändern. Prozesse gewinnen erheblich an Effizienz. Geschäftsfelder werden durch autonome Systeme dramatisch verändert. Beeindruckende Performance und Produktivitätsveränderungen werden Konkurrenten ins Abseits stellen.

Unternehmen, die heute den Einstieg verpassen, wird es morgen nicht mehr geben. bofest consult verbindet exzellentes energiewirtschaftliches Branchen- und Fachwissen mit umfangreichem Algorithmen Know-how aus Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz Forschung.

Unsere Mission ist es, unsere Mandanten mit energiewirtschaftlichen Data Science und KI Lösungen perfekt für die Zukunft aufzustellen.

bofest consult GmbH

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.

Frau Katrin Hüls

Peter-Müller-Straße 26
40468 Düsseldorf

T: +492102770890


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VACE Group

Head office



Other Business Activities & Services

Locations in

Oberösterreich, Steiermark, Wien

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate

Type of contract

Occupational studies, Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Freelance, Project work, Working student, Full time employment

About us

With almost 1,000 employees, VACE Group is one of Austria's leading technology and HR consulting companies with headquarter in Linz, Austria.
We support our customers with personnel services, in the digitalisation of their processes, in plant engineering and in international training projects. Our mission: to identify challenges at an early stage, find suitable solutions and reduce our customers' expenses.

We know how careers are created - from our own experience. We have expanded our know-how in human resources into a broad portfolio. VACE HR Consulting, one of our 4 VACE pillars, has specialised in HR consulting, recruitment and career management for more than 40 years.
We broker careers and, if you wish, are there for you throughout your professional life!

What is important to us: people and potential
Our employees are the main source of our success. We offer people appreciation and quality jobs with international companies and within the VACE Group.
Our VACE HR Consulting team is committed to bringing you together with TOP companies.

Are you looking forward to an exciting career, forward-looking development opportunities and a good work-life balance? Then we look forward to getting in touch with you.

VACE Group

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Herr Gerhard Sumersberger
Prokurist VACE HR Consulting

Lunzerstraße 78, BG 33
4030 Linz

T: 043 732 6987 4966


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