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8 Matches - These companies meet the following criteria:

  • Industrial Placement (Internship)

  • Investments and Participation, Mergers, Acquisition



Head office



Legal, Consultancy & Auditing

Locations in

Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Rheinland-Pfalz

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate

Type of contract

Occupational studies, Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Working student, Full time employment

About us

As an independent auditing and tax consulting company we have been providing excellent services for medium-sized companies and German subsidiaries of international companies from different industries for more than 80 years. Our high-quality consulting services are based on the competence and commitment of more than 400 professionals at ten locations in Germany and at our China Desk in Shanghai.

How to join us:

- To get a first impression as a student:
Trainee (m/f/d) or working student (m/f/d), e.g. in the fields of auditing, tax consulting or restructuring consulting

- We also provide support for your bachelor’s and master’s degree programs:
e.g. as a DHBW student (m/f/d) in the field of Tax & Audit

- Direct entry at FALK upon completion of your studies:
Tax Assistant (m/f/d) in the field of auditing or tax consulting

Top: You don't have to choose a specific focus: We offer an interesting, varied and broad field of activity right from the start.
Training on the job will have top priority for your induction and you will always be guided by experienced colleagues. After having become familiar with both areas, tax consulting and auditing, you can pursue your own career path at FALK Group.


Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Herr Thorsten Bischoff
Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater

Im Breitspiel 21
69126 Heidelberg

T: +49 (6221) 399-2672


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Fraport AG

Head office



Distribution, Transport & Logistics

Locations in


Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate, State examination

Type of contract

Occupational studies, Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Mandatory legal training, Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Voluntary service, Working student, Full time employment

About us

Wir, die Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, sind Eigentümerin und Betreiberin eines der größten europäischen Verkehrsflughäfen und der größte deutsche Airport-Konzern. Flexibilität, Präsenz und Kundenorientierung im globalen Netzwerk des Luftverkehrs sind unsere Stärken. Unsere Kernkompetenz liegt im integrierten Know-how aus einer Hand.

Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter bestimmen durch ihre Vielfalt, ihr Können und Engagement in hohem Maß unseren Erfolg. Sie sind die zentrale Kraft für die Weiterentwicklung unseres hochwertigen und vielfältigen Dienstleistungsangebotes.

Fraport AG


Fraport AG
Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
60547 Frankfurt


Meet us personally:

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Head office



Financial Services

Locations in

Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Hamburg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate, State examination

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

The CHG-MERIDIAN Group The CHG-MERIDIAN Group is one of the world’s leading non-captive providers of technology management services to the IT, industrial, and healthcare sectors. With some 1,200 employees, the CHG-MERIDIAN Group offers its customers comprehensive support for their technology infrastructure – from consulting, financial, and operational services to used-equipment remarketing services through its two technology and service centers in Germany and Norway.

The CHG-MERIDIAN Group provides efficient technology management for large and medium-sized companies as well as public-sector clients. It now serves more than 10,000 customers worldwide, managing technology investments worth a total of over €4.75 billion. The online-based TESMA® Technology and Service Management System provides more than 15,000 users with maximum transparency in technology management. The CHG-MERIDIAN Group has offices in 30 countries across the globe. Its headquarters are in Weingarten, Germany.

Efficient Technology Management®

#EfficientTechnologyManagement #LifecycleManagement #TCO #eraSURE #financing #digitalworkplace #payperuse #TESMA #morethanleasing


Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.

Herr Christian Woesch
Education & Study Coordinator / People & Culture Business Partner

Franz-Beer-Straße 111
88250 Weingarten

T: +49 (0)751-503-504


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DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

Head office




Locations in


Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA, Doctorate, State examination

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

DEG: More than finance
We offer financing, advice and support to private sector enterprises operating in developing and emerging-market countries. Our customers can rely on our expertise: They can benefit from our market knowledge, our 21 locations worldwide and our international network. For entrepreneurial success and development.

DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

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RISE PARTNERS Audit GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Head office



Legal, Consultancy & Auditing

Locations in


Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA

Type of contract

Occupational studies, Entry level employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Working student, Full time employment

About us

Was dich bei uns erwartet: Umfangreiche Weiterentwicklung und persönliches Mentoring, anspruchsvolle Aufgaben mit interessanten Mandanten und deren steuerliche Beratung. Du legst Wert auf eine freundliche, offene Arbeitsatmosphäre sowie Freiraum für deine persönliche Entfaltung?


WIR sind ein Team. Das WIR steht bei uns im Vordergrund.

Was unsere Mandanten an uns als partnergeführte Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft und Steuerberatung besonders schätzen?

Dass wir unsere Mandanten vollumfänglich betreuen und bedürfnisorientiert beraten. Wir pflegen eine vertrauensvolle Geschäftsbeziehung. In vielen Fällen schon seit mehreren Jahrzehnten.

Wir sind keine anonyme Organisation – bei uns erhält jeder Mandant einen eigenen Ansprechpartner:in.

Diese persönliche und vertrauensvolle Betreuung und unsere genaue Kenntnis des Unternehmensumfelds ermöglichen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und Empfehlungen.

Wir bieten fachliche Vielfalt durch unterschiedliche Hintergründe unserer Mitarbeiter:innen.

Das gemeinsame Ziel: Als unabhängiger und qualifizierter Partner unsere Mandanten in betriebswirtschaftlichen und steuerlichen Fragen beraten.

Als Arbeitgeber stehen wir für eine freundschaftliche, moderne Arbeitsatmosphäre, in der sich jede/r individuell entwickeln soll und darf.

RISE PARTNERS Audit GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.

Frau Stefanie Koelen
Managerin Human Resources

Theresienhöhe 28
80339 München

T: +49 89 44 23 171-36

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Pava Partners

Head office



Legal, Consultancy & Auditing

Locations in

Bayern, Berlin, Hessen, Sachsen

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master, MBA

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Full time employment

About us

Pava Partners is one of the leading European M&A and Debt Advisory firms for technology-driven and dynamically growing medium-sized companies. With 12 partners and over 50 employees, Pava Partners emerged as a spin-off from TD Cowen, a division of TD Securities.

The team has been working together for over 20 years advising entrepreneurs, investors, and corporates on domestic and cross border transactions. It has since completed over 400 transactions with over €8B in value.

Our focus sectors are Software, IT Security, Semicon, Sustainability Tech, Mobility Tech, Healthcare, Industrials & Robotics, Consumer & Internet, and Business Services. Pava has its main office in Leipzig and further offices in Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt / Main, and Zurich.

Pava Partners

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your initiative application.


Universitätsstraße 14
04109 Leipzig

T: +49-(341)-98-379-110


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Linde Aktiengesellschaft

Head office



Other Manufacturing

Locations in

Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Hamburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Master

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Dual course of study, Industrial Placement (Internship), Diploma/Doctoral Thesis, Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

Linde ist ein global agierendes Unternehmen auf dem Weg zum Weltmarktführer im Gase- und Engineeringgeschäft mit annähernd 50.000 Mitarbeitern.

Bei uns haben Sie die Möglichkeit, durch Ihre Arbeit, Leistung und persönliche Entwicklung LeadIng. zu werden und zu bleiben.

Arbeiten im globalen Umfeld

Linde ist in der ganzen Welt zu Hause, was Ihnen die Chance bietet, lang- oder kurzfristig ins Ausland zu gehen und in globalen Teams zu arbeiten.

Ihre Kollegen sind weltweit agierende, hervorragende Betriebswirte, Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure. Sie lernen voneinander durch Austausch von Fachwissen und teilen die Motivation, hoch gesteckte Ziele zu erreichen, ohne dabei den Spaß an Ihrer Arbeit zu verlieren.

Unsere Graduierten- und Austauschprogramme sind darauf ausgelegt, den Wissenstransfer auf internationaler Ebene zu fördern und Netzwerke innerhalb der internationalen Gemeinschaft von Linde zu knüpfen.

Nehmen Sie Ihre Karriere in die Hand!

Für uns als ein Unternehmen mit Führungsanspruch gehört die Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter zu einer der wichtigsten Aufgaben.

Linde schafft den Rahmen für exzellentes und kontinuierliches Lernen, bei dem die Entwicklung jedes individuellen Profils im Mittelpunkt steht. Formen Sie Ihre eigene Karriere mit unserer Unterstützung.

Linde Aktiengesellschaft

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.


Linde Healthcare

Klosterhofstraße 1
80331 München

T: +49.89.7446-1249

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Lloyds Bank plc

Head office




Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Diploma, Doctorate, Master, MBA

Type of contract

Conferral of a doctorate, Entry level employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Project work, Trainee, Working student, Full time employment

About us

Because you matter to us.

Lloyds Bank is part of Lloyds Banking Group, the UK's leading financial services company that serves around 27 million customers. Our Group also has some of the most well known brands on the high street, including Halifax, Bank of Scotland and Scottish Widows.

Lloyds Bank is one of the UK’s leading retail and commercial banks. The bank has a long and proud history of helping the people of Britain with the things that matter most to them. Committed to people and businesses Lloyds Bank offers a comprehensive range of financial products and services – including current accounts, savings, mortgages, loans and credit cards. Lloyds Bank is focused on helping the people, businesses and communities of Britain achieve financial prosperity.

Lloyds Bank plc

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.


61 Whitehall
SW1A 2ET London


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