DEG: More than finance
We offer financing, advice and support to private sector enterprises operating in developing and emerging-market countries. Our customers can rely on our expertise: They can benefit from our market knowledge, our 21 locations worldwide and our international network. For entrepreneurial success and development.
DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
We are looking for
Courses of studies
Law, economics and social sciences
Architecture, general Civil engineering, general Mechanical engineering, general Process engineering/Chemical engineering Regional (development) planning Technology, general
Architecture Building and construction studies Civil engineering Management, technical Mechanical engineering Process engineering Regional (development) planning Sciences/Engineering, technical Technology
Language, media and cultural studies
Archives/library/documentation Cultural studies Media studies
Communication studies Developing countries Documentation Information Journalism Journalism, publishing and media studies Media Multimedia
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences
Als moderner und bundesweit tätiger Gesundheitsdienstleister mit rund 5,5 Millionen Versicherten bieten wir Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Hochschulabsolventen und für Fachkräfte mit abgeschlossener Ausbildung.
Ob Juristen, Informatiker, Apotheker, Sozialversicherungsfachangestellte oder Physiotherapeuten - an rund 400 Standorten, wie Servicezentren, verschiedenen Fachzentren sowie in den Fachabteilungen der Zentrale in Hamburg bietet die DAK-Gesundheit spannende Arbeitsplätze mit Perspektive.
Die konkreten Anforderungen an unsere künftigen Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen finden Sie in den jeweiligen Stellenausschreibungen. Fühlen Sie sich von einer unserer Ausschreibungen angesprochen und erfüllen das Anforderungsprofil? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung!
Administrative law Administrative studies Business administration Business law Demographics Economic science Ergonomics Financial studies Insurance studies Labour law Law Law, public Management Marketing National/political economics Politics Social Work Social education Social sciences Social work Sociology
Architecture, general Civil engineering, general Electrical engineering, general Printing technology Regional (development) planning Technology, general
Business computer science Computer science, practical Computer science, theoretical Data structures Hardware Information processing Internet Languages, formal Mathematics, applied Media Informatics Operating systems Programming Software
Health sciences, medicine
Health sciences Medicine Psychology, general
Economic psychology Geriatric nursing Health Health engineering Health, public Human medicine Nursing Psychology Rehabilitation Social psychology Therapeutic education Therapy
We are more than construction. Every day, our projects change the way the world looks and improve the way it works. And because we do more, you will too.
Challenge yourself, and you’ll do truly impressive work. Control your career, and you’ll grow like never before. Explore our business, and you’ll enjoy a richer experience. And we’ll support you all the way.
Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.
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We are looking for
Courses of studies
Law, economics and social sciences
Economics Politics
Administrative studies Business administration Business, international Economic science Economy Ergonomics Industrial engineering International relations Management Real Estate Management
Civil engineering, general Electrical engineering, general Environmental engineering Process engineering/Chemical engineering Regional (development) planning Surveying, general
Building and construction studies Civil engineering Civil engineering Electronics Energy engineering Engineering surveying High-Rise Construction Hydrology Measurement engineering Regional (development) planning Regional planning Structural engineering Surveying Urban (development) planning
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Computer science Mathematics
Business computer science
Art, music, drama and design
Design, general
Design Design Industrial design
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences
Water science
Hydrology Limnology
We are looking for
Law, economics and social sciences
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Art, music, drama and design
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences