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1 Matches - These companies meet the following criteria:

  • Food technology

  • Public Relations PR, Communication, Advertisement


Deoleo, S.A.

Head office

Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid)


Food & Beverages

Preferred Grades

Bachelor, Master

Type of contract

Entry level employment, Industrial Placement (Internship), Full time employment

About us

The world olive oil market is one of the most dynamic in the food sector. Due to the fact that the inherent characteristics of the product fully match today’s tendency to show a greater concern with health and nutrition, olive oil consumption is growing worldwide every year.

Olive oil is a basic ingredient in the Mediterranean Diet. Its nutritional virtues have made it a foodstuff that is increasingly appreciated by consumers, and it therefore has a truly promising future.

Sound proof of this is the opinion handed down on the 1st of November 2004 by the prestigious Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the United States’ agency in charge of regulating food. This opinion allowed a nutritional claim to be included on olive oil labels stating that its high content in monounsaturated fats lowers the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Deoleo is the world leader in the olive oil market, and its brands are the top sellers in countries like Spain, Italy and the United States. It also commercialises seed oils, table olives, vinegars and sauces, which makes it a veritable world benchmark in the food industry.

Deoleo, S.A.

Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.


C/ Marie Curie, 7
28521 Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid)

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