Sainsbury’s commitment to helping customers live well for less has been at the heart of what we do since 1869. Today that means making our customers’ lives better and easier every day by offering great quality and service at fair prices – across food, clothing, homeware and financial services – whenever and wherever they want it.
By harnessing the energy, creativity and talent of our people, we're looking forward to becoming the nation's first choice for everyday shopping. We're excited about our future. If you decide to join us, you'll be working in an environment where everyone is positive and eager to make a difference. Above all, our teams are passionate about making our customers feel they aren't just in any supermarket: they're in Sainsbury's.
We always need like-minded people on-board so if you're
looking for a great place to work - this is a move you'll never look back on.
Sainsbury's Store Support Centre ,33 Holborn, EC1N 2HT London
Visit us at
We are looking for
Courses of studies
Law, economics and social sciences
Economics Politics
Business administration Business, international Economic science Economy Financial studies Local authority management Management National/political economics Politics Quality control
Architecture, general
Language, media and cultural studies
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Geosciences/Earth sciences, general
Art, music, drama and design
Design, general
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences
Food technology Nutritional sciences
Food engineering Foods Nutrition
We are looking for
Law, economics and social sciences
Language, media and cultural studies
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Art, music, drama and design
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences
Imperial Brands, a FTSE 100 company headquartered in Bristol in the UK, is the parent company of a dynamic international business specialising in tobacco and non-tobacco brands.
Our graduate opportunities are designed to bring on tomorrow’s managers and leaders. If you’re ready to push yourself, you could grow to make a huge impact on a global scale. So if you have ambition, ideas and commercial nous, consider starting your career with Imperial Tobacco. We will provide you with an outstanding opportunity to learn, achieve and shape your future and the future of our business.
At Intel UK, we're interested in helping you find work that is just right for your skills and aspirations. Because when you find a career that fits, inspiration accelerates.
There are many opportunities available at various stages in your education. If you are an undergraduate student at university, we have 13–month industrial placements in various business and engineering functions. If you have graduated, we have graduate positions to start your career path and make a difference at Intel right away.
Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.
Clarendon Road, BT1 3PR Belfast
Visit us at
We are looking for
Courses of studies
Law, economics and social sciences
Economics Social sciences, general
Business administration Business, international Economic science Economy Industrial engineering Management
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Computer science Mathematics
Business computer science Business/Industrial mathematics Data structures Engineering computing Hardware Information processing Internet Media Informatics Programming Software
New Look is a global fast-fashion brand, delivering catwalk-inspired trends to men and women around the world, 24/7.
With stores in 23 countries across Europe, China, North Africa and Asia, and a website delivering to 120 countries (and counting), we’ve come a long way since opening our first store and it’s all down to the amazing people who work here.
We're Looking for IT Graduates Who
- Have a keen interest in technology and trends and how they can be used in a business and retail environment
- Show great leadership potential
- Are motivated to learn and proactive about personal development
We're Looking for Finance Graduates Who
- Have a strong interest in finance and an analytical mind-set.
- Are good communicators with the ability to tailor style to different audiences
- Demonstrate fantastic leadership potential
- Are highly motivated to learn and proactive about personal development
We're Looking for Ecommerce Graduates Who
- Have a strong interest in fashion, particularly online shopping
- Demonstrate fantastic leadership potential
- Are highly motivated to learn and proactive about personal development
We are more than construction. Every day, our projects change the way the world looks and improve the way it works. And because we do more, you will too.
Challenge yourself, and you’ll do truly impressive work. Control your career, and you’ll grow like never before. Explore our business, and you’ll enjoy a richer experience. And we’ll support you all the way.
Cannot find a suitable job with us? We are looking forward to your unsolicited application.
Visit us at
We are looking for
Courses of studies
Law, economics and social sciences
Economics Politics
Administrative studies Business administration Business, international Economic science Economy Ergonomics Industrial engineering International relations Management Real Estate Management
Civil engineering, general Electrical engineering, general Environmental engineering Process engineering/Chemical engineering Regional (development) planning Surveying, general
Building and construction studies Civil engineering Civil engineering Electronics Energy engineering Engineering surveying High-Rise Construction Hydrology Measurement engineering Regional (development) planning Regional planning Structural engineering Surveying Urban (development) planning
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Computer science Mathematics
Business computer science
Art, music, drama and design
Design, general
Design Design Industrial design
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences
Water science
Hydrology Limnology
We are looking for
Law, economics and social sciences
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics
Art, music, drama and design
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences
Intensiver. Menschlicher. Emotionaler. Unsere ROBINSON Clubs sind für ihre besondere, ihre einzigartige Atmosphäre bekannt. Das liegt nicht nur am innovativen Urlaubskonzept und dem herzlichen „Du“, das wir untereinander und unseren Gästen gegenüber pflegen. Vielmehr sind es unsere Mitarbeiter, die ROBINS, die ganz wesentlich dazu beitragen! In derzeit 24 außergewöhnlichen Locations setzen 4.500 ROBINS die Erfolgsgeschichte von ROBINSON fort, die vor über 40 Jahren begann. Besonders ihretwegen kann sich ROBINSON heute deutscher Marktführer im Premiumsegment für Cluburlaub nennen.
Die Robinson Club GmbH, ein Tochterunternehmen der TUI AG mit Sitz in Hannover, ist der deutsche Qualitäts- und Marktführer im Premiumsegment für Cluburlaub. Zum Portfolio gehören derzeit 24 Clubanlagen in elf Ländern mit einer Kapazität von 13.000 Betten.
Ein Urlaub bei ROBINSON, das ist Zeit für Gefühle. Denn ROBINSON überrascht und berührt: mit Leidenschaft und den neuesten Trends. Mit Genussmomenten und Momenten ganz für dich erlebst du mit deinen Liebsten und interessanten Menschen die perfekte Mischung aus Action und Entspannung.
Um diesen hohen Anspruch mit Qualität und echtem Leben zu füllen, wird die ROBINSON Philosophie von 7 starken Säulen getragen: Sport, die ROBINS, Essen & Trinken, Entertainment,
Familie, WellFit® und Nachhaltigkeit sorgen alle zusammen in jedem ROBINSON CLUB für diese
ganz spezielle Atmosphäre, wie es sie nur bei ROBINSON gibt.
Das ist ROBINSON. Das ist Zeit für Gefühle.
Niemals stehen bleiben, immer weiter gehen
Unseren guten Ruf verdanken wir außergewöhnlichen Locations, einem einzigartigen Konzept, aber vor allem unseren Mitarbeitern. Deshalb legen wir großen Wert darauf, unsere ROBINS überdurchschnittlich gut auszubilden und ihnen eine qualifizierte fachliche und persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu ermöglichen.
Wir halten stets Ausschau nach Talenten in den eigenen Reihen. Wenn du das Ziel hast die Leitung einer Abteilung zu übernehmen, oder in Zukunft sogar einen ganzen Club, kannst du dich für ein ROBINSON internes Trainee-Programm bewerben. Dann durchläufst du Stationen in mehreren Clubs und lernst dort jeweils verschiedene fachspezifische Dinge. Wenn du bereits eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung in der Hotellerie hast, bieten wir dir die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit uns und der DHBW Ravensburg ein berufsbegleitendes dreijähriges Studium zum Hotelbetriebswirt (BA) zu absolvieren.