All companies with
- Location Hamburg
- Industry Wholesale, Retail Trade
- Degree Bachelor
- Degree Diploma
- Degree Doctorate
- Degree MBA
- Degree Master
- Type of contract Diploma/Doctoral Thesis
- Type of contract Dual course of study
- Type of contract Entry level employment
- Type of contract Full time employment
- Type of contract Industrial Placement (Internship)
- Type of contract Trainee
- Type of contract Working student
About us
Ganz oben im Norden Hamburgs, direkt neben dem Stadtpark, liegt die EDEKA-Zentrale. Sie verantwortet die strategische Weiterentwicklung des EDEKA-Verbunds und steuert das nationale Warengeschäft ebenso wie die erfolgreiche Kampagne „Wir ♥ Lebensmittel“. Von hier erfolgen zahlreiche Impulse zur Realisierung verbundübergreifender Ziele.
Ob Praktikum, Werkstudierenden-/ Aushilfstätigkeit oder Abschlussarbeit - wir bieten Dir vielfältige Möglichkeiten, um in der EDEKA-Zentrale Theorie und Praxis zu verbinden. Bei uns erhältst Du einen Einblick in die spannende Welt des Handels und lernst die Dynamik eines schnell wachsenden Unternehmens kennen. Fertig mit dem Studium? Dann haben wir ganz bestimmt den richtigen Einstieg für Dich: Ob du Dich für das Traineeprogramm oder für einen Junior-Direkteinstieg entscheidest - Du triffst immer die richtige Wahl!
Bike leasing
Company Devices
Company doctor
Employee Discounts
- View all benefits
Bike leasing
Company Devices
Company doctor
Employee Discounts
Employee Parking
Employer-funded pension
Flexible working hours
Further training
Good transport network
Handicapped Accessibility
Sports and leisure offers
Work-Life Balance
Meet us personally
22.05.2025, Hamburg
Absolventenkongress in Hamburg13.06.2025, Münster
Business Contacts18.-19.11.2025, Hamburg
vocatium Hamburg Nord 2025Visit us at

We are looking for | Courses of studies | Subjects |
Law, economics and social sciences | Economics | Business administration Business, international Economic science Economy Financial studies Industrial engineering Logistics Management Marketing National/political economics Quality control Real Estate Management Supply chain management |
Engineering | Electrical engineering, general Environmental engineering | |
Language, media and cultural studies | Media studies | |
Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Computer science Mathematics | Business/Industrial mathematics Statistics |
Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences |
We are looking for | Law, economics and social sciences | Engineering | Language, media and cultural studies | Natural sciences, computer and mathematics | Agriculture, forestry, domestic and nutritional sciences | ||||||||||
Courses of studies | Computer science | Economics | Electrical engineering, general | Environmental engineering | Mathematics | Media studies | |||||||||
Subjects | Business administration | Business, international | Business/Industrial mathematics | Economic science | Economy | Financial studies | Industrial engineering | Logistics | Management | Marketing | National/political economics | Quality control | Real Estate Management | Statistics | Supply chain management |